Sierra Region

       Full of a lush variety of plants and wildlife that thrive in a delicate ecosystem, the Sierra Region is incredibly biodiverse. There is very little chemical pollution, and the climate is optimum for growing fruits and vegetables that need large amounts of sunlight. APACOS understands that agricultural production in this region must be catered to the unique environmental conditions in order to protect the region, 
and the association uses as many organic farming methods as possible.
       EcoTourism plays an integral role in the growth of the company. It is important for tourists who visit the region to learn about the conditions for food production as well as environmentally safe practices.

Garbage Zero

In order to eliminate waste contamination in their city, the Mother’s Clubs of San Jose De Las Matas formed the Garbage Zero Project. By going door-to-door and educating citizens about cleaning garbage from their homes to prevent disease, these women created a community organization that includes churches and schools in city-wide clean ups. Organic material is extracted from the garbage and goes to create compost, while leftover material is used to make sellable products.

 Aguas Calientes

A popular ecotourist destination is the Natural Hot Springs that run through the region in SAJOMA. This project has become increasingly popular among tourists and locals alike, boasting 3,000 visitors between the months of January and May in 2016. Not only do the hot springs provide a fun and entertaining activity, but they are also a fantastic way to preserve and protect the natural beauty of the region.